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Remai Modern provides public access to our collection through the exhibition program, publications, loans and an online database. Staff continually work to ensure the accuracy of the information cited here. However, as our research is ongoing, our online database may need additional updates. We are committed to continuing to improve the information about our collection and will revise our records as new details become available.

Why do some works of art not have images?
Some images are not included because they have not been photographed or cannot be displayed for copyright reasons.

Who I contact about image rights and reproductions?
Please direct any queries about image permissions, or requests for digital images, to Unauthorized use of images of works in Remai Modern’s collection is prohibited.
If you hold rights to any of the images presented here and have not granted permission to feature the work, or if you notice an error in the information listed, please contact

What is your policy regarding loans of artwork to other museums?
Remai Modern shares its collection through loans to other museums in Canada and internationally. We welcome proposals for loan requests for consideration by our team. Loan requests should be addressed to the CEO’s office no less than 12 months in advance of the loan period.

How do I find out if Remai Modern is interested in accepting a donation or purchasing works of art from my collection?
Remai Modern adds to its collection through donation, purchase and bequest. Acquisitions are guided by the Collections Policy and Collection Development Strategy, carefully assessed by staff through curatorial research and governed by the Board of Directors. Please contact with any inquiries.

Does Remai Modern appraise works of art?
Remai Modern does not appraise the financial value of works of art. If you are interested in the value of art in your personal collection, please contact a commercial gallery or the Art Dealers Association of Canada.

This site is for non-commercial, educational or entertainment uses only. All images, text, audio and video clips, documentation, illustrations, designs, icons, software (including applications) and all other content on this site are the property of Remai Modern or its licensors unless indicated otherwise.

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